by Danielle Dreger
Lorelei (age 4)

- Fix spaceship with Jenna
- Run through sprinkler with Jenna
- Dance party with Jenna
Lorelei (age 10)
- Finish Jenna’s present
- Buy backpack like Jenna’s
- Take Babysitting course
Lorelei (age 13)
- English essay on Romeo and Juliet
- Kiss a boy — Adam? Marcus? Steven? Adam?
- Buy jeans like Jenna’s
Lorelei (age 17)
- Finish applications/essays
- Lose virginity – Adam? Marcus? Steven? Marcus?
- Get highlights like Jenna’s
Lorelei (age 21)
- Internship at law firm
- Break up with Marcus for Steven?
- See psychic
Lorelei (age 26)
- Pass Bar Exam
- Forgive Jenna and Steve?
Lorelei (age 28)
- Get fitted for dress
- Write wedding toast for Jenna and Steve
Lorelei (age 35)
- Apply for Brazil visa with Jenna
- Get Brazilian wax
Lorelei (age 37)
- Pay last student loan/quit job
- Borrow boots from Jenna
- Meet Adam for cocktails
Lorelei (age 38)
- Buy prenatal vitamins
- Finish writing vows (and Adam’s)
- Present for Jenna
Lorelei (age 55)
- Sign up for triathlon with Jenna
- Add Adam Jr. to car insurance
- Hire divorce attorney
Lorelei (age 67)
- Travel to Nepal with Jenna
- Book club pick
- Plan Adam Jr.’s rehearsal dinner
- Start chemo
Lorelei (age 89)
- Eulogy at Jenna’s funeral
- Miss Jenna terribly
- Miss Jenna horribly
- Miss Jenna dreadfully
Danielle Dreger wears many (baseball) hats. By day she is a teen librarian north of Seattle and by night she is a YA writer of stories set in the humid hell of Central Florida. Danielle spent her formative years in the Tampa Bay area driving into neighborhood signs, breaking curfew, and writing bad poetry before moving to Boston to become a librarian. She now hangs her Tampa Bay Rays hat in Seattle. Her short stories have appeared in Stratus, Driftless Review and Fiction Fix. She can be found online at and Twitter @danielledregerb.